Sunday, February 8, 2009

Survey From The Year 2000 or 1999

I found this Gem.. Lets all relive our childhood. I have Many boring old convos from 99' -01' that im gonna post too . I Also seen a screen name " " which I remembered I talked to this girl & she was ubsessed with me & the band & one day I was talking to her with kras here & She was like ewwww shes weird . & I said, Why ya say that & she said "She has MaryK loves Mike as her fucking screen name, Its just backwards" & i couldnt believe it lol So i was Nicknames Ekim for a While :) Ekim 95 thats me .

Mike 95's Survey

0.What Time It Be In yo Hood? 1 AM
1. What is your name? Myke 95
2. What do you like people to call you? Mike 95
3 Where were you born? Philly PA .....But Right After That I Moved Stright To Key West Flordia.
4. Do you still live there? well I moved Around alot & Lived In FLA,Georgia,VA,Delawear .....Then I moved back To Philly PA Motha Fuckaaa!
5. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would it be? California, FLA, Or London
6. How old are you? 19
7. What is your zodiac sign? Leo
8. Blonde or brunette? Dirty Blonde WIth Brown Roots
9. Brown eyes or blue? Blueish Green
10. Do you consider yourself hot or ugly? Im a Short Chubby dirty teenager
11. What is a song you totally despise hearing? Any Emo Song:)
12. How about a CD that is almost always in your cd player? One Of the 24 Red Hot Chili Peppers Cd's I Have, The Replacements,My ruin,AFI , & Any Pansy Division CD
13. What color is your room? Its Wooden Pannels But Ya really cant See It With all the pictures and posters up
14. What do you think about boy bands? I find them No Threat To real Musicans, that fake dance crap will never replace the real Musican so let the Girlies have there fun-billy Joe Armstrong
15. If you were trapped on a deserted island, what's one thing you would bring? My Guitar
16. What do you look for in the opposite sex? Personality,Music Apreation, Fun,nice, Not Boring, funny & a nice Nose:) ...LOng hair is Good somtimes
17. In the past month, approximately how many people have you kissed? none
18. What is your favorite quote? Please dont look to close at me, You might not like What You See-Red Hot Chili Peppers
19. What could you live without or food? WOW This question is just wrong.....:( lol i dont know
20. What pictures are on your walls? Umm Alot Of Manson, Greenday, & Chili Peppers
21. What was the last concert you went to? Catch 22
22. What shampoo do you use? White Rain
23. Do you wear thongs? hmmm, A long long Time ago:)
24. What's the weirdest type of clothing you own? My Blue Patched Up Sweater Jacket (R.I.P.) :(
25. Have you ever looked up porn on the net? Nah Its Dumb
26. Do you sometimes feel attracted to the people of the same sex? Nope
27. Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and pretty? Well Ugly is allready In Proccess So I wouldnt Mind Be Rich too
29. What is the one word you say the most? ROCK
30. What is your dream car? Septa :)<----taken From KRAS lol
31. Who is your favorite cartoon character? The big Red Hairy Guy From Bugs Bunny! I LOVE HIM!!!
32. Do you believe in long distant relationships? yea for a while
33. If you had to be a cookie, which kind would you be? Ummm rasin (cause Its all about Natures Candy)
34. What's your favorite ice-cream? I Like Peanut Butter Or cookie Dough
35. What's your Fav. Movies-The Exorsist, Riding In Cars With Boys, Boys Dont Cry, Welcome To the Doll House, Clockwork Orange, Pink Flamingos, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Lost Boys, Angus, Basketball Diaries, The Breakfast Club & The Labrath
36. What do you usually do on AOL? MESS with The I-95 Site (PLUG) "" (end of Plug)
37. What is a candy that you absolutely can't live without? I like Them "Smarties" There fun
38. Favorite candy bar? 3 Musketeers Or Reecies cups but thats not really a Bar...
39. What was the last movie you went and saw? Monsters INC.
40. Would you ever go out with a famous person that you hated? Hellll NO!
41. If I called you a loser, would you get mad? No, I dont even know you exist
42. What's your fav. love song? "I could Have Lied" The Red Hot Chili Peppers & That "let me call you sweetheart .....Im in Love with You" death Metal Song On The Radio Commercial:)
43. What deodorant do you use? Some Blue Clear stuff
44. Have you ever been in love?Yup , I still Am But Its not like Im Ubsessed With the People, I just Love them.......I dont even Talk to most of em anymore really or Feel The need to But I still love em.
45. What is one singer/band you would love to wipe off of the face of the earth? Good Charlotte
46. What do you think of surveys like this? they pass time & are cool For Getting to Know people without stright out asking 100 fuckin questions
47. What was the best time of your life? Anytime Im On Stage:)
48. Worse time? Most of my life Before Age 11
49. What do you consider to be your lucky number? 27 or 95
50. What would you do with a million dollars? Buy Guitar equiment & Vocal Equiment & give alot to my friends:)
51. Do you have any pets? What are they? Well I Had 2 Slugs But I dont any more
52.Have you ever been Locked up?Why?-Yea, Breaking Some Dudes Ribs got charged WIth Assult
53.did you ever have an STD?-Nope, & I hope to never get one:)
54.Are you a Virgin?-na
55.Do you regret anything youve ever done?-NOPE
56. Do you regret anything you didnt do?-NOPE NEVER
57.Are you afraid of growing up?- i was, But not really that much anymore
58.Who Did you Vote for & Why?-Nader, Cause He'd do Things For This Country & Not Just Be The Nations own little Politlical Puppet.
59.Are you Pro-life or Pro-choice & WHY!?-I dont feel Im Fit to answer this Being that Im a Boy & It doesnt Affect Me, But If i were a Girl I'd Like to have a Choice to abort or not So Im Pro-Choice All The Way, If some girl Gets Raped Then I think its fucked up to make her Keep The Offspring Of her one & Only Hate (Her Rapist) & I Dont think Abortion is murder before 4 months, When The Central Nervous System forms. I mean what the Fuck , People are Saying That The "morning After Pills" Are an early Form Of Abortion & Their Band in Sevral States. Thats Just Messed Up..........Thats Like Saying If a Boy masterbates Hes Killing 2000 Children. Its just Stupid.
60.Do you Have a Crush...who? I dont get "crushes" anymore
61. do you have a band or Like a Band alot? Yepp I-95 & RHCP
62.What do you wana be when Ya grow up? umm I think I am grown up lol but I dont mind Being me At all:)
63.What cd are You most ashamed Of that you own? I proud Of EVERYONE! I LOVE MY MEATLOAF CD’s lol
64.Did Ya like This Survey at all? I made it ..cause I hate those fucking bullshit surveys That ask you your Fuckin Parents names .....WHY THE FUCK Would I wana know you godamn Parents names or what your fav fucking color is. all Kinds of Surveys are all Skimming the Top ...I wana make a Deep one where you gotta think about the fucking questions
65.What Time is It?1:42am

OK say somthin bout The Fag or Dyke That sent this To you Or about The Survey::


  1. the big hairy red guy is apparently named Gossamer and he truly is fantastic.

  2. ive been reading this waiting to get to the bottom so i could say "his name is gossamer" but way to go greener.
